Suspicions confirmed!

Well hello there peoples of the internets! I was just visiting a lovely website called urbandictionary, which you should have heard of (unless you have been living under a rock, eating snails and desease carrying rats for the last few years). Well I 'happened' to search for 'Nils' (why would I have done that, I wonder what came over me?) and my suspicions have been confirmed. That I am awesome. Here are the top two definitions of the word 'Nils':

1. A Scandinavian name given to anyone who, for sure, will/is awesome. Nils is based on a Saint. Saint Nicholas. Who most of you know as Santa Claus. He brings presents to us every year so this is why we honor someone with the name Nils because he will be like Santa.

Mom: Wow. We should really name him Nils. 

Dad: Why? 

Mom: He just looks so Super Awesome.

2. The act of being high for longer than fourteen and a half hours and eating piles of spaghetti while repeating the Holy Mary with no pants on and getting sucked from a girl named "Head."

Oh my gosh! That Nils is still high from eating that weed browning and he thinks he is in Church.

Now if your name is brad..... well sorry bud, apparently you're not that awesome....

1. Extreme frailty and sensitivity. A trait possessed by weak, passive males. These people are often confused with small, female children. Their main diet consists of smoothies, bananas, and frappaccinos. They are NOT strong.

2. To have a stinky arm pitt. 
Most commonly used when referring to someone with excess arm pit hair and or B.O.

Now I might go eat some spaghetti now while basking in my awesomeness!

Postat av: Greta

lie, I found it and sent it to you......

2011-01-24 @ 21:23:21
Postat av: Nisse

And that makes me any less awesome?

2011-01-28 @ 00:15:30

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