A tale of two beasts

Children! Gather 'round! Let me tell you the story of the two peculiar beasts called 'Procrastination' and 'Laziness'. They were born in a little town just past the mexican border, where their father 'Bono', and mother 'Justin', had fled when they realized that Justin was carrying their illegitimate sons. You have to understand that in that time having a child outside of marriage was a bad thing. A very bad thing, you could have your balls chopped off and stuff (don't quote me on that).
Well, the babies were born and were named Procrastination and Laziness. They were rather weird children having two heads and 23 fingers on each hand. The family also decided to change its last name to Bieber, to avoid suspicion from mexican authorities, and because that is what Bono thought of when Justin was screaming 'Baby, baby, baby ooooooo!' whilst giving birth. As young children Procrastination and Laziness were incredibly popular, people loved Procrastination and Laziness and no one felt guilty for doing them. They got all the girls, and were nearly always high on drugs.

They were living the life, but then like everything in the world; the good times came to an end. New kids started arriving on the block, among them a boy called Efficiency. Things went down hill from there, people started dissing the twins and started loving Efficiency instead. People laughed at them and spat on them, saying Efficiency was the best thing that ever happened to them. Add to this, their beloved mother Justin Bieber had just contracted AIDS and was on her way out. Today the twins live in the shadows and they're only coming out when people aren't watching. The sad thing is people come to them when no one is around and use them, like cheap whores. Then they turn around and say how much they hate Laziness and Procrastination.

The moral of this strange (true) story is that we have gotten so addicted to being efficient, that we have proclaimed that sitting down and doing nothing is a shameful sin, and that people who do it need to be branded fat, ugly, . It has suddenly become popular to hate dilly dallying. We have to have so many things to do, places to be, people to screw nowadays that any time spent doing nothing is 'wasted' time. As an example I will bring up another fictional character, a personal favourite of mine, Homer Simpson. On a saturday morning what does Homer do? He doesn't go out jogging or meet annoying friends, instead he takes a cold a beer and just lies in his hammock all day. Then we have Flanders, he seems to always be doing stuff, like trimming the hedges or reading the bible (what a nerd). Some would say he is being efficient, but who is actually enjoying life? I'd bet a fair bit that it is Homer. So next time you have a moment free, instead of finding something to do, go against everything this world has told you, and do nothing! It's time well spent.

Oh yeah, and Justin Bieber is a girl.

Postat av: sara winegård

härligt nisse

2011-01-28 @ 11:36:33
URL: http://rymdpojkar.blogg.se/

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